Markets opened higher on Tuesday after a long weekend of Christmas holidays. The Case-Shiller household confidence index improved from 5.6% per year over the years in October, the Conference Board consumer confidence index rose to almost 114. 11 sectors S & P posted gains on Tuesday. WTI crude oil for February delivery was set at $ 53.90 a barrel, up to about 1.7% on the day. Gold for February added about 0.5% on the day to close at $ 1,138.70. Shares were directed to a higher fence just before the bell as the Dow rose 0.10% for the day, the S & P 500 rose 0.27% and the Nasdaq Composite 0.55% traded.
Dow Jones shares, which posted the biggest daily percentage increase before Tuesday's close, were Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL) which traded up 0.71% at $ 117.36. The 52-week stock is $ 89.47 to $ 118.69. The volume was approximately 55% below the daily average of about 32.7 million shares. The company had no new specificity on Tuesday.
Cisco Systems Inc. (NASDAQ: CSCO) rose 0.61% to $ 30.72. The 52 week stock is $ 22.46 to $ 31.95. The volume was 60% lower than the daily average of about 22 million shares. Giant of the networks had no specific news.
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (NYSE: GS) rose 0.55% to $ 242.30. The 52 week stock is $ 138.20 to $ 245.57. The volume was less than a third of the daily average of about 5.4 million shares. The investment bank had no specific news on Tuesday.
Merck & Co. Inc. (NYSE: MRK) traded up 0.44% at $ 59.82. The 52 week stock is $ 47.97 to $ 65.46. The volume was less than half of the daily average of about 3.9 million shares. The pharmacist had no definite news.
Dow 30 shares, 22 are on track to close above Tuesdays and 8 should close lower.
Thursday, 29 December 2016
Monday, 26 December 2016
Cisco Introduces Cloud-Scale Networking for Enterprises
A new solution for networking through the Cisco cloud launched this week aims to help service providers and Internet companies to take advantage of network virtualization (SDN) and network functions (NFV) in the Transition from their headquarters to next-generation data centers.
According to the company, the network solution includes a number of benefits to customers of the company Relevant Products / Services, including the automation of large-scale procurement and the ability to implement network changes in minutes rather than hours. It also provides software scalability for more modular and faster service deployment, while providing real-time visibility and control by continuous telemetry.
The solution will be delivered through the Cisco IOS XR to half the total cost of proprietary software (TCO) and double the efficiency and performance of more than five years, from the current mode of operation, according to the company.
Cisco said the network solution also uses the principles and data center "DevOps" technicians to provide agility, improved efficiency and simplicity, the company said, would extend beyond the traditional network and head office.
According to a study commissioned by Cisco, more than 70 percent of service providers surveyed are planning or planning central office transformations using NFV and SEN technologies.
"Our continued progress with the Cloud Scale platform demonstrates our commitment to NFV and NEE solutions for open, programmable, and automated networks," said Yvette Kanouff, senior vice president, Cisco Services.
"SOP changes are among the priorities of our customers around the world and we are in a unique position to help them improve their existing routing platforms using Cisco IOS XR software."
The company described the new platform as more streamlined, more automated and virtualized as network platforms that are currently available. It will also help companies, such as service providers, media and Internet companies to reduce costs, improve market speed and secure their networks.
Cisco said it is working with a number of Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) working groups to help advance neutral vendor projects such as routing and continuous segment telemetry. The company attributes its work with these groups to help develop the new platform.
Among the new features included in the release, there is the Ethernet Virtual Private Network (EVPN) that ensures the separation between the data plane and the control plane, the creation of a protocol-based unified and centralized recovery test plan BGP (Border Gateway) and industry standards.
The platform also includes an end-to-end routing segment, which, according to Cisco, will create a unified common redirect subnet to simplify network operations. In addition, it includes the "telemetry-driven model" platform to provide greater visibility, real-time, granularity through native, common and open data models for automation and more efficient operation of physical and virtual resources.
Cisco plans to meet the capabilities of these Cloud-scale through the network with ongoing additions to the convergence of the Cisco Series Family Network (NCS).
According to the company, the network solution includes a number of benefits to customers of the company Relevant Products / Services, including the automation of large-scale procurement and the ability to implement network changes in minutes rather than hours. It also provides software scalability for more modular and faster service deployment, while providing real-time visibility and control by continuous telemetry.
Reduction of costs, greater efficiency
The solution will be delivered through the Cisco IOS XR to half the total cost of proprietary software (TCO) and double the efficiency and performance of more than five years, from the current mode of operation, according to the company.
Cisco said the network solution also uses the principles and data center "DevOps" technicians to provide agility, improved efficiency and simplicity, the company said, would extend beyond the traditional network and head office.
According to a study commissioned by Cisco, more than 70 percent of service providers surveyed are planning or planning central office transformations using NFV and SEN technologies.
"Our continued progress with the Cloud Scale platform demonstrates our commitment to NFV and NEE solutions for open, programmable, and automated networks," said Yvette Kanouff, senior vice president, Cisco Services.
"SOP changes are among the priorities of our customers around the world and we are in a unique position to help them improve their existing routing platforms using Cisco IOS XR software."
The company described the new platform as more streamlined, more automated and virtualized as network platforms that are currently available. It will also help companies, such as service providers, media and Internet companies to reduce costs, improve market speed and secure their networks.
Cisco said it is working with a number of Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) working groups to help advance neutral vendor projects such as routing and continuous segment telemetry. The company attributes its work with these groups to help develop the new platform.
Among the new features included in the release, there is the Ethernet Virtual Private Network (EVPN) that ensures the separation between the data plane and the control plane, the creation of a protocol-based unified and centralized recovery test plan BGP (Border Gateway) and industry standards.
The platform also includes an end-to-end routing segment, which, according to Cisco, will create a unified common redirect subnet to simplify network operations. In addition, it includes the "telemetry-driven model" platform to provide greater visibility, real-time, granularity through native, common and open data models for automation and more efficient operation of physical and virtual resources.
Cisco plans to meet the capabilities of these Cloud-scale through the network with ongoing additions to the convergence of the Cisco Series Family Network (NCS).
Thursday, 15 December 2016
Protecting Innovation: Arista’s Copying of Cisco’s User Interfaces
I can not pretend not to be disappointed that a jury in a federal court after finding Arista has copied the Cisco user interfaces and the copy is not justified by fair use doctrine, applied the main unknown scenes that can be done to deny Cisco relieves Arista action. In layman's terms, justification by applying the scenes to the effect that the jury was excused copy Arista because they believe that "external factors" dictated the selection and arrangement of some of the falsified characteristics.
We believe that this narrow doctrine developed to insure that copyright infringement does not extend to the use of mundane elements of literary works as diagram device a character or a frame has been misapplied or misunderstood.
We were convinced that a third court (after two separate findings of the judges of the International Trade Commission) came to the conclusion Arista had deliberately copied Cisco, refute Arista accusations in which his products had been developed from a sheet Of clean paper. We will look at Judge Freeman to determine whether there was sufficient evidence to justify the jury's conclusion, as well as other grounds for cancellation of the test result.
Arista copied even though other competitors have developed user interfaces in a variety of ways that they do not copy. Cisco's user interface is well known and successful, and although it has often been called the "industry standard" - meaning a popular reference - no Cisco technology in this case is incorporated into a real industry standard; In fact, there is no standardization body for CLI.
Our goal has always been to protect technological innovation and prevent Arista from using our patented and proprietary technology. In two separate cases before ITC, we have made significant progress in this direction. We are delighted that the ICC made a final infringement determination against Arista on three Cisco patents in the case known as 944, and one judge in the ITC found a violation of two additional patents in the case '945.
In some ways it is ironic that The San Jose jury has heard nothing from Arista demonstrating their desire to respect the intellectual property rights of others but has not had the opportunity to hear replicas of these intellectual property rights claims based on Arista's own proven actions.
Cisco believes in competition and employee fair mobility, especially since both are essential elements of the innovation needed in our industry. And we also believe in protecting the hard work of our employees and made important investments to develop great products.
This, too, is critical to our industry. It encourages inventors to create a new technology that meets future needs. Investors are encouraged to have confidence in our company and its future. Cisco will continue its position of not being a litigious society. We prefer to invest in our people and our products. But we will defend both in blatant copy situations, as we have seen in our business against Arista.
We believe that this narrow doctrine developed to insure that copyright infringement does not extend to the use of mundane elements of literary works as diagram device a character or a frame has been misapplied or misunderstood.
We were convinced that a third court (after two separate findings of the judges of the International Trade Commission) came to the conclusion Arista had deliberately copied Cisco, refute Arista accusations in which his products had been developed from a sheet Of clean paper. We will look at Judge Freeman to determine whether there was sufficient evidence to justify the jury's conclusion, as well as other grounds for cancellation of the test result.
Arista copied even though other competitors have developed user interfaces in a variety of ways that they do not copy. Cisco's user interface is well known and successful, and although it has often been called the "industry standard" - meaning a popular reference - no Cisco technology in this case is incorporated into a real industry standard; In fact, there is no standardization body for CLI.
Our goal has always been to protect technological innovation and prevent Arista from using our patented and proprietary technology. In two separate cases before ITC, we have made significant progress in this direction. We are delighted that the ICC made a final infringement determination against Arista on three Cisco patents in the case known as 944, and one judge in the ITC found a violation of two additional patents in the case '945.
In some ways it is ironic that The San Jose jury has heard nothing from Arista demonstrating their desire to respect the intellectual property rights of others but has not had the opportunity to hear replicas of these intellectual property rights claims based on Arista's own proven actions.
Cisco believes in competition and employee fair mobility, especially since both are essential elements of the innovation needed in our industry. And we also believe in protecting the hard work of our employees and made important investments to develop great products.
This, too, is critical to our industry. It encourages inventors to create a new technology that meets future needs. Investors are encouraged to have confidence in our company and its future. Cisco will continue its position of not being a litigious society. We prefer to invest in our people and our products. But we will defend both in blatant copy situations, as we have seen in our business against Arista.
Thursday, 8 December 2016
Bringing Cisco's Cash Back to the US Would
Bringing Cisco's cash back to the US would cause a rush of dividends, buybacks and M&A, CEO says
Cisco Systems CEO Chuck Robbins told CNBC on Wednesday that if the company could repatriate foreign capital, it would make a combination of dividends, redemptions and mergers and acquisitions.
Cash repatriation, or bringing international profits back to the US, would eventually create jobs for Cisco, Robbins said on "Squawk Box" Wednesday at the roundtable business in Washington.
Many large US companies keep stacks of cash abroad because they do not want to pay stiff taxes to bring them home. Cisco has more than $ 60 billion overseas and could be one of the main beneficiaries of repatriation measures proposed by President-elect Donald Trump.
"I think it would be for [creating jobs] for Cisco, but it would also create jobs beyond that," said Robbins. "If we come back - if we were to increase our dividend - while mutual funds, which goes through America's middle class, flowing through to make people feel better about their income.
I continued: "I think all this is good for business."
Robbins said Trump is business-friendly and could drive the US economy.
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